NYSEG Looking to Hire at Career Fair in Buffalo Tomorrow

Continues Company’s effort to hire additional staff to strengthen customer service and reliability for customers 


BINGHAMTON, NY — July 12, 2023 — New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) will participate in a Buffalo job fair tomorrow. It’s one of more than a dozen career fairs and events across the state in which the Company will participate this year, looking for applicants for open positions across its service areas. Opportunities include line worker positions, customer service representatives, engineering, meter reading, and field service technicians.

The schedule for the job fair is below:

Thursday, July 13
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Hyatt Regency Buffalo Hotel and Conference Center

The company hired more than 120 new customer service employees in 2022 and is looking to hire more than 100 this year. It also added new billing specialists in 2022, all dedicated to billing reviews and manual adjustments. Hiring and stabilizing its workforce is an important step in improving billing timeliness and reducing wait times in its call center.

NYSEG remains committed to its customers. Their concerns have been heard. The company will continue to improve the customer experience and anticipates being back to a steady state in 2023.

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