Energy Library
Welcome to our online energy library with links to frequently requested information for your home and business. While this may be a library, feel free to make all the noise you want!
EnergyLines and Helpful Resources – For Your Home
Useful information on wise energy use, products and services.
- Current EnergyLines
- Past EnergyLines Issues
- NYSEG ESCO Environmental Update
- Electricity Rates Summary
- Natural Gas Rates Summary
- NYSERDA On-Bill Financing Recovery Brochure
- Rights and Responsibilities Service policies, energy supply choices and your rights as a residential customer
Helpful Resources – For Your Business
- Rights and Responsibilities Service policies, energy supply choices and what you need to know as a business customer
- Electricity Rates Summary
- Natural Gas Rates Summary
Quick Links – For Your Home
- Pricing and Tariffs
- Dig Safe: UDig NY
- Try our Fuel Cost Comparison Calculator
- View and Pay Your Bill Online
- Our Environmental Policy
- Our latest Environmental Disclosure Label
- Smart Energy
- Wind Energy
Quick Links – For Your Business
- Dig Safe: UDig NY
- Small Business Direct Install Program Free energy assessments and incentives for up to 70% of the cost of energy efficient equipment upgrades
- Commercial and Industrial Rebate Program For nonresidential electricity and natural gas customers who install qualifying energy efficient equipment
- Get paid to use less energy through our Demand Response Programs - by agreeing to reduce your electricity load during specific curtailment periods
- Consider Energy Profiler Online to track and manage your electricity use
- Support the use of clean, renewable wind-generated electricity by participating in our Wind Energy Program
- Economic Development Assistance and Incentives
- Hourly Pricing Reduce peak demand and shift electricity use to off-peak time periods
Safety Information
- Excavator Manual A guide to safe excavation practices in New York State
- Weathering Storm Emergencies What you need to do to before, during and after a storm
- Flood Safety Information Ensure your safety and lessen potential property damage if you live in a flood-prone area
- Emergency Generator Safety Use your emergency generator safely
- Carbon Monoxide Prevention Protect yourself and your family
- Prevencion del Monoxido de Carbono Protejete a tí mismo y a tu familia
- Residential Power Quality How power fluctuations effect your sensitive electronic equipment (which is just about everything these days) and what you can do to protect it
- Natural Gas Emergencies Fact Sheet How police and fire departments should handle natural gas emergencies
- Smell Natural Gas? How to recognize a natural gas leak and what to do
- Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Fact Sheet Learn what we do to ensure your safety around natural gas pipelines - and what you should do as well
- Natural Gas Safety Fact Sheet Important information to help keep you and your family safe
- Tree Planting Tips
- Tree Care
- Wood Pole Fact Sheet
- Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) Information
- Compact Fluorescent Lights Bulbs (CFLs) Information
Service Program Links
- Third Party Notification
- Large-Print bills
- Life Support Protection Program Fact Sheet
- Special Coding for Seniors
- Payment Arrangements
- Home Energy Assistance Program
- Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) and Energy Assistance Program (EAP) Fact Sheet
- Project SHARE Heating Fund
- Project SHARE Heating Fund Fact Sheet
- Energy Assistance Program
Wise Energy Use
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