Natural Gas Pricing and Tariffs
Tariffs on file with the Public Service Commission (PSC):
- PSC 87 - Natural gas "sales" rate information for each rate area and service classification.
- PSC 88 - Natural gas "transportation" rate information for each rate area and service classification.
- PSC 90 - Natural gas rules and regulations. General information on obtaining natural gas service and billing for all gas customers.
Rate Summary
Statements on file with the Public Service Commission (PSC) Please note, the most recent statement listed is the statement that is currently in effect which supersedes the other statements listed.
- ARP — Arrears Relief Program Statements
- CCA — Community Choice Aggregation Statements
- DISC — Purchase of ESCO Accounts Receivable (POR) Discount Statements
- EAP — Low Income Program Discount Statements
- MFC — Merchant Function Charge Statements
- Monthly Natural Gas Statements
- OTH — Late Payment Charge and Other Waived Fees Surcharge Statements
- RAM — Revenue Adjustment Mechanism Statements
- RDM — Revenue Decoupling Mechanism Statements
- SBC — System Benefits Charge Statements
- TSP — Tax Surcharge Percentage Statements
- WAC — Weighted Average Cost of Capacity Statements
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