Avangrid Subsidiaries NYSEG and RG&E Advance Their First Whole Home Electrification Project in New York

Project replaced gas lines with full home electrification, which is crucial to New York’s climate goals

Project helps customers electrify their homes with incentives


ORANGE, Conn.  — February 22, 2024 — Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR), a leading sustainabile energy company and member of the Iberdrola Group, has announced that it will use a non-pipes alternative (NPA) solution in Irondequoit, NY to realize Avangrid’s first Whole Home Electrification Program project. The project, in Rochester Gas and Electric’s (RG&E) service area, will result in the removal of 119 feet of leak-prone gas main to ultimately achieve electrification of three homes via an NPA solution.

“These types of projects demonstrate our commitment to decarbonization efforts across the country,” said Pedro Azagra, Avangrid CEO. “As Avangrid’s renewable work and its utilities increasingly promote climate change objectives, projects like this will serve as a roadmap for our operations across the company.”

“This program delivers benefits to customers and society as a whole,” said Trish Nilsen, president and CEO of New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) and RG&E. “We use cost-effective solutions to avoid traditional natural gas capital projects that would otherwise be needed to address system requirements.”

NPAs support the Company’s commitment to a zero-net increase in natural gas use, as well as system decarbonization efforts resulting in reduced greenhouse gas emissions that help achieve New York’s climate and clean energy targets – including those established by the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). The Companies have committed more than $4 billion for clean energy and energy efficiency projects proposed throughout New York state, as part of CLCPA goals to increase renewable energy and reduce greenhouse emissions by 40 percent by 2030.

One homeowner who participated said, “I was extremely reluctant to do this project. I thought this must be one of those ‘too good to be true.’ Being so skeptical, I was the last to sign on. I am so fortunate that I chose YES. I am so grateful and overwhelmed by the generosity bestowed on me.”

The objective of the Whole Home Electrification Program is to target leak-prone main replacement projects where feasible and achieve full electrification of buildings located in these areas to enable retirement of the impacted section of gas main. To make these projects as economical as possible, NPA-based incentives are combined with others that may be available (e.g., New York State Clean Heat Program), resulting in conversion packages offered to customers at no cost.

At NYSEG and RG&E, the NPA process has been integrated into the gas system planning process and all natural gas projects involving the construction of new pipeline or the replacement or expansion of existing pipeline are screened for applicability of NPA solutions. RG&E has partnered with ICF Resources, LLC to deliver this beneficial opportunity for exclusive upgrades to customers within the targeted segments of gas main.

For customers interested in pursuing electrification and other energy options, NYSEG and RG&E have options and resources available to assist with making energy decisions. Visit Energy Options - NYSEG or Energy Options - RGE to explore available options or NYS Clean Heat Rebate Program - NYSEG and NYS Clean Heat Rebate Program - RGE to learn more about heating and cooling with an all-in-one system (incentives are available). The Companies also offer rebates for commercial and industrial customers looking for the most energy efficient solutions. Check out Commercial Industrial Rebates - NYSEG or Commercial Industrial Rebates - RGE to review rebates available for businesses.

Senator Samra Brouk said, “This project is an important step in the ongoing work to decrease reliance on fossil fuels, and work like this must continue to be prioritized if we are to meet the bold goals set forth by the CLCPA. I applaud my constituents for taking part in this project, and look forward to working together to create environmentally sustainable infrastructure across our community.”

Assemblymember Sarah Clark said, “The announcement today of Avangrid and RG&E’s advancement of their first whole home electrification program project is exciting news. Here in New York, we are prioritizing sustainable and decarbonized homes and buildings without putting the cost on families that can least afford it. These steps to protect the future of all New Yorkers are critical to ensuring our ambitious but critical climate action goals are met. I congratulate Avangrid on today’s announcement, and I look forward to many more projects like this across my district and the state.” 

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